Maker Camp is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the generous support of the Members of Make: Community.

- cardboard scraps
- 10" elastic cord
- two tension springs
- cording
- acrylic craft paint
- 3/16" dowel
- wooden thread spools (1/2" x 5/8")
- two 8 mm diffused red LEDs
- coin cell battery
- stiff wire
- insulated hookup wire
- electric tape
- scissors
- craft knife
- foam paint brushes
- hot glue gun with extra glue sticks
- wire strippers
- needlenose pliers
- Optional: switch or button, soldering iron and solder
Mechanizing the Mask
Draw a 2″ circle in the center of your cardboard. Draw 2-3 concentric circles around your first circle, with 2″ between each ring. Cut out your circle and the rings you drew around it. Make one cut on each ring from inner edge to outer edge to turn them into curved strips instead of a rings.
Bend the smallest strip into a conical shape. The strip should overlap where you made the cut. Hot glue this strip to the circle. Bend the next strip into a conical shape and glue it to the inside of the previous strips. Continue this process until you run out of strips
Glue small tabs to each piece that you connect in order to reinforce the bond. If your cardboard isn’t large enough to cut rings out of, then cut equal-sized rectangles out, overlap them, and glue them along the inner walls of the previous ring.
continue adding cardboard until your helmet is 4-5 rings tall. Next cut out two 2″x4″ tabs. Glue them both to the inner walls of your helmet, making sure that they are slightly closer to one side instead of directly opposite of each other.
Poke a hole near the bottom of each tab and connect the tabs with the elastic. Try your helmet on! It should not move when you shake your head. Cut two long strips, about 1.5′ x 2″ and line up their corners so that they are perpendicular and completely overlapped.
Alternate folding the strips over each other until you reach the ends. You should now have a cardboard spring. Hot glue the top and bottom flaps into place. Repeat steps 10-11 until you have four springs total.
Glue the four springs around the sides of the helmet, not directly on top of it. Add two straps to the flaps that will support the back of your head. You will have to measure these before gluing them on.
Draw the eyes and mouth onto your globe where you would like them to be. We cut our globe in half for convenience, but it is also possible to construct this project through the hole at the bottom of the globe.
Make a dot where you want the end of the eyebrows to be above each eye. Cut a small hole out where you made the dot.
insert a wooden spool into each hole that you cut and hot glue them into place. They should be flush against the face of the mask. Take two pieces of wire and bend the ends into hooks. Hook one wire onto each end of a spring.
Center the spring on the inside of the mask between the two spools. Bend the wires into the spools. Bend the wires on the outside of the mask so that they match the curve of the globe. If you pull the spring up, the eyebrows shoud move up freely and fall down freely
Draw circles where you want the cheeks to be and the same size that you would like the cheeks to be. Cut them out. Bend the circles that you cut out so that they form a dish shape. Poke two holes in each center for the LED pins.
Glue an LED into the center of each circle. Mark the positive legs on the back of each LED with a marker.
Cover the LED and some of the surrounding area with hot glue. This will further diffuse its glow. Hold the tissue paper papier-mached globe inside the mask and trace the cheek hole on top of it for both sides.
Cut out the cheeks that you traced leaving a half inch margin. Use the two oranged-sized papiermached globes to trace the eyes.
Cut out the two eyes that you traced leaving a half inch margin. Insert the eyes into the holes that you cut out. Add a few cuts to the margin that you left so that you can press the tabs down against the inside of the globe.
Hot glue the eyes in place from the inside. Use the grapefruit-sized balloons to contstruct upper and lower eyelids. Glue them on.
Now glue the tissue paper cheeks over the cheek holes that you cut out. Next glue the two discs with the LEDs behind each tissue-papered cheek. The LED should face the tissue paper.
Cut 2 pieces of hookup wire that can reach from cheek to cheek. Strip the ends off the hookup wire. Connect the positive pins together and the negative pins together. You can either solder the wires to the pins or twist them together and wrap them with electric tape.
Next cut two more pieces of hookup wire. They should be long if you want a handheld switch or short if you want the cheeks to always glow. Connect one wire to the positive pin of either LED and the other wire to the negative pin of the same LED. Connect the other ends of the wires to a coincell battery
Now measure and cut a dowel to span between the two eyebrow spools. Glue a spool to the center of the dowel. Hot glue the dowel in place about an inch above the eyebrow spools
Tie your cording around the center of the spring. Cut a hole near the top of the back of the emoji’s head and glue another spool into this hole.
Use any paper mache scraps to construct two eyebrows that are large enough to cover the eyebrow wires. Paint them black. This is the point where you should attach the halves back together if you cut your globe in half. Paint the entire head white except for the tissue paper cheeks.
Once the white paint has dried, paint the entire head yellow with orange accents. Leave the eyes white. Glue or tape the eyebrows to the wires. Make sure they can still move freely. Paint the pupils onto the eyes.
Run the cording up over the dowel and through the spool at the back of the head. Pulling on the cording should lift your emoji’s eyebrows! Lastly, glue the tops of the four springs of the cardboard helmet to the inner walls of the globe. This will secure the mask as you wear it. Make sure you can see out of the mouth. If not, make any adjustments where necessary!
Please Note
Your safety is your own responsibility, including proper use of equipment and safety gear, and determining whether you have adequate skill and experience. Power tools, electricity, and other resources used for these projects are dangerous, unless used properly and with adequate precautions, including safety gear and adult supervision. Some illustrative photos do not depict safety precautions or equipment, in order to show the project steps more clearly. Use of the instructions and suggestions found in Maker Camp is at your own risk. Make Community, LLC, disclaims all responsibility for any resulting damage, injury, or expense.

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