Place the square sheet of paper in front of you, oriented like a diamond. Fold up the bottom half so the peaks meet at the top.
Fold up the two bottom corners so they meet at the top.
Then fold the same two flaps down, folding them in the middle, so the corners point away from each other. (They’re the wings of your firefly.)
Pick up the top layer at the unfolded tip (above the wings) and fold down, so the bug’s “butt” is sticking out a bit.
Then fold down the bottom layer of the tip to about 1/4″ form the middle layer.
Finally, bend the two sides to the back and tape in place, as shown.
Fold the 1″ x 2″ piece of cardstock in half.
Flatten it out. With the pencil, trace around the battery on each half, as shown. Mark one circle with a plus (+) sign and the other with a negative (-) sign.
Tape one button magnet to the center of each circle, and then tape one side of this battery holder to the back of the firefly. As you do, make sure the magnets attract (rather than repel) each other, and make sure the negative (-) side of the battery holder is attached to origami firefly.
On the negative (-) side of the battery holder, place a piece of copper tape that starts at a point just above the magnet and runs the length of the bug. Cut it at the bottom. Then, wrap another small piece of copper tape around the end of the bug’s butt that connects to the first piece of tape. (If you can bend the copper tape around the bug’s butt without cutting it, that’s even better!)
On the positive (+) side of the battery holder, place a piece of copper tape that starts just beyond the magnet and goes diagonally to the outer edge of the holder, down the length of the bug, wraps around its butt, and comes back up on the other side, as shown.
Cut the tape just below the circle for the negative (-) side of the battery holder.
Flip over the bug and add the LED sticker, pointed side down, so that it connects the two strips of copper tape, as shown.
Decorate the firefly by drawing a face, sticking on googly eyes, or anything else you’d like.
Please Note
Your safety is your own responsibility, including proper use of equipment and safety gear, and determining whether you have adequate skill and experience. Power tools, electricity, and other resources used for these projects are dangerous, unless used properly and with adequate precautions, including safety gear and adult supervision. Some illustrative photos do not depict safety precautions or equipment, in order to show the project steps more clearly. Use of the instructions and suggestions found in Maker Camp is at your own risk. Maker Media, Inc., disclaims all responsibility for any resulting damage, injury, or expense.